
Mama and Tante

(1979, September)


From my grandparents. (Found on my Mama's computer.)




As a child I would sometimes be invited to celebrate Passover Seder with our family friends and I always found the food tradition so fascinating and symbolic, as well as delicious.

I am looking forward to trying a few (all?) of these veganized recipes that reference (reference, as a few of these recipes are not Kosher*) that food tradition here.


I am beginning to remember my dreams again, in all their glorious pecularity.



Hey, ChristyAnne!

Are you reading? I miss your face!



I haven't seriously painted in over a year.

I have unseriously painted, but it was clearly lacking in seriousness.

This is serious business. I need to "get my shit together", as they say.


My Granddad


Baby boy and I have almost hit the three year mark. Love the holy heck outta that creature.


Keep Showing Love

"It's good to see someone showing love".

A stranger said, walking by, as I sat on the stoop with outside friend-cats giving them their daily five thirty affection and food.



It's peculiar looking at photographs of myself in the not so terribly distant past. I feel changed. One is always growing, yes, but I can barely identify with any part of that person (with red hair, to boot, ha!). I have found adjusting to life after college extremely challenging.

I haven't posted in ages (clearly). My new job has me on the computer all day, 'erry day. I try to avoid any computer like the plague come 5 o'clock, to the point where I rarely even check my email. But here I am for a moment, on a raining Saturday night in Jacksonville - hello. I hope you're well.



Mom and Pops are coming for a visit tomorrow - I am stoked like whoah. Also, yay Friday, what a bananas week!


Do You Grok It?

I am trying to grok the fullness.


I Lorrrvvvvee Weekends

For this! Brunching and thrifting.


The Sea Within

For three weeks, I have felt as though I were on a boat. Sometimes the water is calm and it isn't so bad. Sometimes, though, it is as though there are swells and waves crashing about and I can barely focus, or keep my canoe afloat I am so woozy.

This is the sickness I felt last summer, in Seattle. Interestingly enough, when I am moving - walking quickly, riding in a car, swimming in a pool - I do not feel it. It is as though my head can catch up with my body then. It is when I am still that my inside ocean springs to life.


Francesca Woodman

Composition; Ambiguity; Texture
(I enjoy these things, here in these photos)

From Off My Back


Saturday Adventure

Saturday was sweaty. R. had work filming a baseball game and I had to brave the crowds of the mall for pantyhose and a blazer (eck). Mutual sweat and Saturday angst lead, however, happily to a lunch at PK Noodles and an unplanned drive to Big Talbot, or, the land before time. Behold!

Our Doppelgangers, circa 1951



My last shift at Whole Foods. Sad but excited for the next thing - I've met so many awesome people and made so many great friends, I am going to miss them!




Such devastation. I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel to lose everything from old photos to bobby pins, parents and pets. Everything.


R and I were dropping clothes off at My Brother's Keeper yesterday and happened upon two bicycles - a Hawthorne and a Free Spirit. New tubes on the Free Spirit and we are good to go!


These Sound Good to Make

Averie’s Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snow Balls
1.5 cups shredded coconut
3/4 c maple syrup (or agave to be technically raw)
3/4 c cocoa powder
Dash Vanilla Extract
Optional: 1/4 c coconut oil (I used it and encourage it!)
Optional: 1/4 c chia seeds (did not use it in today’s blend)

(from Love Veggies and Yoga)

Maybe a treat to make when I am feeling better! Sick again with a stomach bug this time, no fun.



On Repeat

The definition of success -
Learning how to define one's own happiness--
-The worth of time, of money

A professor of mine once said, in regards to art making, "You learn to live with the ambiguity". I think this is, however, applicable to all of life. At an old 23 and a young 25, we are sifting through our idealism, our wishes and wants, but much more importantly, our needs. We can cherry pick houses with porches and idealize unknown golden careers, wish for station wagons - really those are just minute details to make the future seem concrete, safe even. The road to self fulfillment however, is rarely safe and generally unpaved. And now - this recently graduated limbo, this time of penance for past and present laziness - might be tomorrow, but is not the future.



Was ist los?

Diane Arbus

What is being relayed?

Who is seeing?


We have been walking and biking a lot. I like this. The weather has been wonderful lately, although it being so warm so early probably means we shall pay for it come July and August.

Time goes so quickly these days.


Last February

A year ago, I went out to dinner with a person that I unexpectedly fell in love with. In a year, I have spent a majority of my waking time with this person or talking to this person or thinking of this person and three fourths of my unwaking time dreaming next to him. I owe the universe big, I really do.