
Raphsodic Cooperative Company Bakery & Store

Okay, so today is blog-central since I haven't lately. I've been meaning to write about Saturday, when R. and I (on a whim) drove down to Orlando. Lazy weekend? Friends and their days off? Un petit roadtrip? Why not! We went firstly to Ikea (bananas on the weekend) and then to Christy and Jason's, awesome best friend/hair twin and photographer extraordinaire, respectively. We met the new familial pup, Frannie, saw Arthur's sister Amelia and the ever pudgy Ishmael-tiger. After the Loving Hut for dinner, we went to the Raphsodic Cooperative Company, a vegan co-op bakery.

While the art on display was so-so, the cupcakes were pretty fabulous. In a rare twist of events, I somehow lucked out and chose the best flavor of the night (usually I have order-envy after trying everything else). I picked the Lavender Cupcake, with Peach and Blueberry sauce drizzled on top. The vanilla frosting was fluffy and light. The peach jam inside kept the cake moist. The lavender taste wasn't overdone at all (I would venture to say delicately perfect..). Christy and R. both chose the Red Velvet Cupcake, which was good despite being a little hard and a tad dry. Jason chose a Lemon Poppyseed Cupcake I believe. It was a bit overwhelming, far too sweet, so much so that you could taste the agave used as a sweetener (not a good thing, despite how it sounds) and the icing was good but so incredibly rich! Maybe applied sparingly it would have been better. I am a dessert fiend and could only muster a single bite. Sadface. I like lots of bites.

A bit pricey for only one of four cupcakes fitting the label of 'delicious', especially since I could probably bake them myself, but I enjoyed the fun shop and more importantly, what they're about. Local business + lots of people working together + underlying message of compassion = awesome in my book. And I'm definitely game to go back and try their cookies, brownies, cakes and pies.