

Today in the mail I got an envelope with regards to graduation (ahh!) and a cute little valentine card from my friend (and talented painter), Jen Pounds (who's wedding I am going to sadly miss this summer). This is a good Friday for mail! Speaking of mail, Christy, in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I am sending you two red dresses that I don't wear that often, as, apparently (like Picasso), I am in my blue period, that will look darling on you. So keep an eye out for those in the next week or so!
Sidenote: it is funny how, when you are not looking for anything and have absolutely no expectations, the universe presents with you something amazing. Thursday night, what a fabulous surprise and thank you and thank you and thank you and thank you.
Here's a fun photo my pal Josh did, have a laughsy as my church lady hat and holy roller status: